Who Can Be in an Abusive Relationship?

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What is Domestic Abuse
Who Can Be in an Abusive Relationship?
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Anyone can be abusive and anyone can be the victim of abuse.

It happens regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, race or economic background.  If you are being abused by your partner, you may feel confused, afraid, angry and/or trapped.  All of these emotions are normal responses to abuse.  You might also blame yourself for what is happening.  But, no matter what others might say, you are never responsible for your partner’s abusive actions.

Being abusive is a choice.

It’s a strategic behaviour the abusive person uses to create their desired power dynamic.

Regardless of the circumstances of the relationship or the pasts of either partner, no one ever deserves to be abused.

Warning Signs of Domestic Abuse

It’s not always easy to tell at the beginning of a relationship if it will become abusive.

In fact, many abusive partners may seem absolutely perfect in the early stages of a relationship. Possessive and controlling behaviours don’t always appear overnight, but rather emerge and intensify as the relationship grows.

Domestic abuse doesn’t look the same in every relationship because every relationship is different.  But one thing most abusive relationships have in common is that the abusive partner does many different kinds of things to have more power and control over their partner.